Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I still need something to do.

Yay! I got word that my yarn shipped! It should be here any day now! :) I'm excited to have another project to work on.

Here's a picture of the socks I finished a few days ago. Again, they are Happy by Wendy, Colorway: Aries. I love how the stripes matched up nicely and they are my high school colors to boot.
They fit fine at first, but may have stretched out a bit. I'll see what happens when they get their first bath. It's a bamboo nylon blend that I've never worked with before.

Since I haven't found anything to knit in the meantime, I've been playing a lot of WoW to take up that time. I've forgotten how addicting it is, since it's been a few months since I last played. However, I seem to be in a strange rut where anything I touch seems to malfunction somehow. The computer, WoW, my iTouch, the wireless network...everything. It makes me sad.

In happier news. I got my package from Ravelry a little while ago. I ordered two shirts and I love them to death!They fit well, are absolutely adorable and comfy! :) I also got a pack of buttons that match the Daily Dose t-shirt.

I have also discovered the dangers of leaving a toddler alone with a pom pom...

It is...just wow. That is a Jayne hat I made for my hubby. One that actually fits...Oh well. A new pom pom is easier to make than a whole new hat, right? I wasn't too upset with my dear daughter. Instead, I gathered the yarny remains and took a stab at needle felting.

My first attempt ever, making it up as I go along. I think it's going fairly well. :) We'll see what happens.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I need something to do...

I feel antsy not having a project on the needles. I finished my latest pair of socks, and they fit me! I'll post pictures the next time. I keep forgetting. I think it's a symptom of my antsyness. I don't normally have more than a few projects going on at any one time, and usually have a good idea of what my next project is...

It doesn't help that most of my stash is still back in Colorado...along with most of my needles. Having only a few pairs with me limits what I can do as none of what I have is really compatible gauge-wise with the yarn that came with me. Le sigh.

I'm still waiting for my package to ship, but it should be on it's way shortly. The yarn coming is for a specific project that I'm excited to work on for a dear friend of mine. The Aries socks were supposed to be my waiting project, but I finished them too soon...Oops! I'll figure something out.

In other news, we put up a Christmas tree! It's a fake one, but it's not a terrible one. I'm happy about it. It's been many years since I've had a Christmas tree, and aside from the Christmas after my daughter was born, this will be our first real Christmas together as a family.

The Army has kept us apart for a long time, and it's a difficult life, but it's our life. There are certain aspects that could be greatly improved on, but what's important is that we're together. :) I love my little family and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. The only thing I'll be sad about is not being able to see my mom and brother for a while. Moving and getting settled is somewhat costly and all...

I need something to knit. I'm going to dig through my stashling to see what it'll offer me.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

It's been fairly quiet here today. It was just the three of us since this was the first major holiday as a family since Kevin joined the army. I was kind of freaking out because I've never cooked a Thanksgiving dinner before. I was just pulling things out of the air, and voila! Epic victory! The turkey was moist, stuffing was yummy, mashed potatoes garlicky. I was very proud of myself! :) *happy dance*

I'm still waiting on yummy yarn to show up in my mailbox. I'm starting to get a bit antsy since I'm hoping to knit up a project to send to a friend so he can gift them to his girlfriend...for Christmas. I'm trying to stay calm...

In the meantime I'm still working on my latest pair of socks. I looked at them and after a couple of hours of knitting on them, I just realized they were the colors of my high school. I was amused, which in turn made my husband amused at me.

He is also expecting a package in the mail. It was supposed to be here a couple days ago, but we're chalking it up to beginnings of crazy time at the post office. As soon as it gets here, we're putting it up on our Christmas tree! We're gonna have a grand time putting it up...the day after's proper time. Dang Santa showing his fat butt in July. He belongs in the month after Turkey day up until the day after Christmas. After all, a full month is plenty of time for one holiday. Anyone else agree? Anyway, I'm off to do some post dinner clean up and then bed.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Another Finished Project...

So it's been a few days, but I've been somewhat busy. Firstly, I finished the basketweave scarf! There is my wonderful husband enjoying the goodness of alpaca :) Since I had no other major projects available to me (most of my stash was left behind in Denver when we moved to Georgia) , I cast on a new pair of socks.
The yarn is Happy by Wendy, colorway is Aries. Since my first pair of socks didn't fit me, I'm hoping this pair will be more comfortable on my tiny feet. Don't get me wrong, I love my first pair of socks :) They were just too large... Oh well. We learn and move on.

I actually do have a commissioned project, but I just need to wait for the yarn to get here. I'm super excited! Also, I'm in love with these. I saw them and they called to me. I will get them soon. I wonder if I can make a matching scarf to wear with the socks? *thinks* It may work. Only time will tell.

In other news, my wonderful hubby promised me a ball winder for Christmas! Even though I taught myself to knit a few years ago, it's only recently that I've been inspired to take it seriously. I blame the Yarn Harlot. She amuses me to no end.

I have a package coming from Ravelry. I love getting things in the mail. eBay was a weakness of mine in college when I bought things just to get mail. Sad I know, but what can ya do?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Finished Two Projects!

Yay I finished two projects last night! The hubby had to work a late night so I stayed up and waited for him to get home.

The Multidirectional Scarf is finished! Here it is in all it's colorful glory:

I'm very happy with it. It was a quick and easy pattern to follow and it was a lot of fun watching the colors change from stitch to stitch on my needles. I ended up with only a tiny bit left over too! Not enough to really do much with, but too much to justify throwing it out. I'll figure something out later, but for now the remnants will live in my stash. :)

I also finished this hat, which I started a long while ago.

It's going to my brother. I knit him a wicked cool scarf a while ago, and he wanted a hat that he could wear with it. So I started this after hunting down some more alpaca yarn and then for some reason it got put on hold. The ear flaps I had to frog back because the gray was too thin to do much protection for the ears. Just doubling the yarn up made it much more substantial though. We are pleased. Just in time too! His birthday is in a few days and I was trying to figure out what to get him. I was wondering why I didn't finish this hat sooner, but everything worked out :)

Now I get to finish this! Also started almost a year ago... ^_^()

I think this will go to the hubby when finished. You can't tell from the pic, but it's a nice dark green. Alpaca with a Twist calls it Mountain Green. Knit in a simple basketweave pattern, it should go faster than it is, but apparently I can't count to 5 on a consistent basis. Oops. Oh well, it's just slow moving.

I will finish this eventually, but it's just a filler project until I get the yarn and pattern for a project my friend requested. More about that to come later. :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Couple of Projects

I've now been awake for two hours and it's been pretty stressful. Lets just say cleaning up doggie puke is not so fun on carpet. Yuck.

Anyway, I guess I'll start off with some of the projects I've got going on right now.

This is my Multidirectional Diagonal Scarf knit up from Noro Kureyon.

I'm using up three skeins and all the color changes are making me very happy. Since I like things to be somewhat symmetrical, the first two triangles (furthest from the needles on the right) are from Skein #1, the second two are from #2 and the middle is taking up 4 triangles. Then I'll finish up with 2 from #2 and the last 2 from #1. I hope that makes sense. Either way, the richness of the colors and the gradual changing of them is a lot of fun to knit up and well suited for this garter stitch pattern. I'm very happy with it so far. The pattern was given to me by a dear friend, but it was free online.

I just finished a pair of Red Sox socks for my dear hubby. :) They turned out great and he loves them!
I knit these up two at a time on one circular needle using the Magic Loop. Those are my tiny little feet in his socks. These socks are only the second pair I've ever knit and the first that incorporates any change in color. I was concerned about the color on the heel, but everything worked out. Yay! :)

I'll post more later. For now, I'm going to hunt down some breakfast.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Casting On

So here's me dabbling my toes in the world of knitterly blogging.

Firstly, here's some basic info about me. I taught myself to knit about four years ago. I also picked up crochet in the process. It has it's time and place, but knitting will be my first love of the fiber arts. I love the arts in general. I took lots of drawing and painting classes in high school and gained some experience in graphic designing. I sadly didn't have enough time to touch pottery, metals, or photography, but I am open and willing to learn new things to use in expanding my creativity. I figured knitting would be a good place to start that was very different from what I had been doing.

When I first started, I just stuck to simple things like hats and scarves. Typical beginner's fare with cheap acrylic yarn. In the last year I've discovered the wonders of natural fibers. Alpaca is by far my favorite. I love it's softness and colors. Plus they are just so darn cute!

I'll be posting my projects and such on here. Mostly I just need a place to put down my ideas, dreams, and thoughts about knitting and other craftyness.