Monday, November 16, 2009

Casting On

So here's me dabbling my toes in the world of knitterly blogging.

Firstly, here's some basic info about me. I taught myself to knit about four years ago. I also picked up crochet in the process. It has it's time and place, but knitting will be my first love of the fiber arts. I love the arts in general. I took lots of drawing and painting classes in high school and gained some experience in graphic designing. I sadly didn't have enough time to touch pottery, metals, or photography, but I am open and willing to learn new things to use in expanding my creativity. I figured knitting would be a good place to start that was very different from what I had been doing.

When I first started, I just stuck to simple things like hats and scarves. Typical beginner's fare with cheap acrylic yarn. In the last year I've discovered the wonders of natural fibers. Alpaca is by far my favorite. I love it's softness and colors. Plus they are just so darn cute!

I'll be posting my projects and such on here. Mostly I just need a place to put down my ideas, dreams, and thoughts about knitting and other craftyness.

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