Friday, December 4, 2009

I need something to do...

I feel antsy not having a project on the needles. I finished my latest pair of socks, and they fit me! I'll post pictures the next time. I keep forgetting. I think it's a symptom of my antsyness. I don't normally have more than a few projects going on at any one time, and usually have a good idea of what my next project is...

It doesn't help that most of my stash is still back in Colorado...along with most of my needles. Having only a few pairs with me limits what I can do as none of what I have is really compatible gauge-wise with the yarn that came with me. Le sigh.

I'm still waiting for my package to ship, but it should be on it's way shortly. The yarn coming is for a specific project that I'm excited to work on for a dear friend of mine. The Aries socks were supposed to be my waiting project, but I finished them too soon...Oops! I'll figure something out.

In other news, we put up a Christmas tree! It's a fake one, but it's not a terrible one. I'm happy about it. It's been many years since I've had a Christmas tree, and aside from the Christmas after my daughter was born, this will be our first real Christmas together as a family.

The Army has kept us apart for a long time, and it's a difficult life, but it's our life. There are certain aspects that could be greatly improved on, but what's important is that we're together. :) I love my little family and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. The only thing I'll be sad about is not being able to see my mom and brother for a while. Moving and getting settled is somewhat costly and all...

I need something to knit. I'm going to dig through my stashling to see what it'll offer me.

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